About Us
Welcome to Grange Park Church
As the local church in Grange Park, we offer a wide variety of ways to learn about and follow Jesus.
Sundays: We hold services at The Kairos Centre, Wilks Walk, Grange Park, Northampton, NN4 5DW.
Weekdays: During the week there are events and activities – whether you are already following Jesus or 'just looking' you will be welcome.
Grange Park Church is a Baptist and Anglican church plant in a new community development which began over 14 years ago, and has grown into an established Local Ecumenical Partnership..
Our Beliefs
- God is Love, His love is for everyone and nothing we can do will make Him love us more or less.
- The Bible is crucial to our understanding about God, ourselves and the world.
- God made everything including us, keeps everything going, and will complete everything.
- Jesus Christ shows us God perfectly and bring us to God.
- From God’s perspective we human beings have great value, but have turned our backs on Him. The Bible calls this sin.
- We can’t return to God on our own. Jesus brings us back through His death and resurrection, if we trust Him personally.
- When we become Christians we join a world-wide community.
- God’s goal for each of us together in this community, is to increasingly become like Jesus.
- If we follow Jesus, our destiny is to be with God forever.
Our Vision and Values
Our Vision
We are:
- Followers of Jesus called to be Good News to Grange Park and beyond.
- Disciples who make disciples.
- A Multi-streamed church.
Our Values
Underlying all we are & do
- To worship God in all we do
- To be Good News to Grange Park and beyond
- That all, from oldest to youngest, are growing in the faith
- Conversion growth
- To be outstanding in generosity
- Christ-like depth and quality of our community life
- Everybody gets involved
- Multiplication
- To be naturally super-natural
Jesus gave very clear instructions to his followers when he left them, and this is at the heart of our vision – ‘go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you’.
Matthew 28: 19-20.
Good News
”Trusting in Jesus, we can know forgiveness, freedom and hope for the future
Our Team

Nat has been a vicar for 7 years after being a social worker for 15 years working for the local authority child protection team and fostering team, as well as being respite foster carers for a therapeutic fostering scheme.
Nat enjoys spending time with her family and friends, cooking, baking and making music. She is a singer of a 50's covers rock band called Mid-Life Crisis who have been together for about 12 years, where they started doing gigs to raise money for various charities.
Nat is always up for a cuppa, so please do invite her for a visit.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01604 356513

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01604 709519

Together with the minister and our Church Warden - Anne Rackham - they act as trustees.