
Ways to Give

We’re so thankful for those who give generously to the work of Grange Park Church.

The Bible teaches us to be generous with our time, talents, and our money. Your investment means we can grow as a church community and better serve the needs of our local area and beyond.

The church gains some income from the hire of the building, but we are otherwise dependent on the financial giving of those involved with the church.

The Parish Giving Scheme is the main way Grange Park Church accepts regular giving.

It enables you to:

  • Give monthly, quarterly or annually by Direct Debit
  • Send one-off gifts
  • Sign up to inflation linked giving annually if you choose
  • Enhance your gift to the parish by having Gift Aid at 25% added to your giving
  • Give anonymously if you prefer
  • Give securely

For more information and to set up regular giving, go to the website:  Or if you’d like a paper form then speak to the church treasurer, Mark Crane-West.

You can also give by cash or card at a Sunday service.

If you have any questions, please contact Mark:  [email protected].

Gift Aid Form

Please click below to print a copy.


Thank you to those of you who use the easyfundraising website for your internet shopping.

For those of you that don’t know how to use this scheme and are willing to help raise funds for the church, at no cost to yourselves, please visit the easyfundraising website to find out more information and to set up an account.

This will allow you to raise money for Grange Park Church whilst doing your internet shopping and it is very simple to set up and easy to use.