About Us

Welcome to Grange Park Church

Followers of Jesus, called to be Good News to Grange Park and beyond.

As the local church in Grange Park, we offer a wide variety of ways to learn about and follow Jesus.

Sundays: We hold services at The Kairos Centre, Wilks Walk, Grange Park, Northampton, NN4 5DW.

Weekdays: During the week there are events and activities – whether you are already following Jesus or 'just looking' you will be welcome.

Grange Park Church is a Baptist and Anglican church plant in a new community development which began over 14 years ago, and has grown into an established Local Ecumenical Partnership..

Trusting Jesus
Worshipping God

In a world that is full of problems we genuinely believe that Jesus cares for us and can change things. We have experienced that through Jesus Christ, no matter what our past, God offers us the chance to start again.

Trusting in Jesus, we can know forgiveness, freedom and hope for the future. He is able to change lives and mend broken relationships. Young or old, married or single, 'religious' or not, Jesus offers us acceptance, fulfilment and purpose. We are ordinary people, but we believe in an amazing God and our aim is to show His love to the community in a relevant way.

Our Beliefs

  • God is Love, His love is for everyone and nothing we can do will make Him love us more or less.
  • The Bible is crucial to our understanding about God, ourselves and the world.
  • God made everything including us, keeps everything going, and will complete everything.
  • Jesus Christ shows us God perfectly and bring us to God.
  • From God’s perspective we human beings have great value, but have turned our backs on Him. The Bible calls this sin.
  • We can’t return to God on our own. Jesus brings us back through His death and resurrection, if we trust Him personally.
  • When we become Christians we join a world-wide community.
  • God’s goal for each of us together  in this community, is to increasingly become like Jesus.
  • If we follow Jesus, our destiny is to be with God forever.

Our Vision and Values

Our Vision

We are:

  • Followers of Jesus called to be Good News to Grange Park and beyond.
  • Disciples who make disciples.
  • A Multi-streamed church.
Our Values

Underlying all we are & do

  • To worship God in all we do
  • To be Good News to Grange Park and beyond
  • That all, from oldest to youngest, are growing in the faith
  • Conversion growth
  • To be outstanding in generosity
  • Christ-like depth and quality of our community life
  • Everybody gets involved
  • Multiplication
  • To be naturally super-natural

Jesus gave very clear instructions to his followers when he left them, and this is at the heart of our vision – ‘go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you’.
Matthew 28: 19-20.

Good News
Good News is words and actions – we want everyone in Grange Park (and even beyond), even if they don’t go to church, to be glad our church is here!

Trusting in Jesus, we can know forgiveness, freedom and hope for the future

Our Team


Rev Nat White

Nat joined GPC in April 2022. She has been married to Pete for 37 years and they have 2 daughters and 4 granddaughters.
Nat has been a vicar for 7 years after being a social worker for 15 years working for the local authority child protection team and fostering team, as well as being respite foster carers for a therapeutic fostering scheme.
Nat enjoys spending time with her family and friends, cooking, baking and making music. She is a singer of a 50's covers rock band called Mid-Life Crisis who have been together for about 12 years, where they started doing gigs to raise money for various charities.
Nat is always up for a cuppa, so please do invite her for a visit.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01604 356513

Church Administrator

Tracy Voice

Tracy works in the church office two mornings a week (Monday and Friday) producing the newsletter, looking after Kairos Centre hirers and bookings, looking after the website, answering the phone / emails, maintaining the church records and completing admin tasks.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01604 709519

The elected GPC Elders


Sarah Crane, Lisa Smith and Nina Ohol.
Together with the minister and our Church Warden - Anne Rackham - they act as trustees.